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Opening FBSession in consecutive launches (FB SDK for SDK 3.0)

I am trying to integrate the new Facebook SDK for iOS and had a problem understanding some concepts.

  1. I authenticate using [FBSession sessionOpenWithPermissions:...] auth dialog comes up and I return the app. Auth successful.

  2. Then shut down the app, relaunch again. [[FBSession activeSession] accessToken] successfully returns previously saved token.

  3. However, at the same time, [[FBSession activeSession] isOpen] returns NO. (This means session is not ready for use.)

  4. Also, [[FBSession activeSession] state] is FBSessionStateCreatedTokenLoaded at this time. Tutorial here uses isOpen call to verify active session is loaded and opened with token.

So what do we call to open the token-loaded session without redirecting user to auth dialog?


In FBSessionState enum, for FBSessionStateOpen it says:

Open session state indicating user has logged in or a cached token is available.

However FBSessionStateCreatedTokenLoaded is described as:

One of two initial session states indicating that a cached token was loaded; when a session is in this state, a call to open* will result in an open session, without UX or app-switching

Could you please help me figure out understanding these session transitions?


  • I'm including a Facebook utility class I wrote that helps with understanding login state, because I expose a "logged in" / "not logged in" message to the user in my own Settings UI, in addition to using the actual 'FBLoginView' component when it comes time to allow the user to toggle authorization state.

    The code below is also available via this gist.

    I may not have interpreted all the FBSessionState types correctly in my switch statement, but thus far, it's served me well in the cases I've tested (I've just put this together).

    The key thing to note, that others have alluded to, is that sometimes you have a cached authorization token that you can't use immediately, but if you make a Facebook open call on it, you can get it to be reusable (refreshed). This open call works behind the scenes, without triggering any UI / jarring OAuth window/app switching (if you have a cached token).

    See my comments in the method isLoggedInAfterOpenAttempt. Note how I check for the state to be FBSessionStateCreatedTokenLoaded and only then, make the call to

    -openWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState status, NSError *error).

    Other tidbits about this class:

    • I have a property here to cache the logged in user, of type conforming to protocol FBGraphUser. It's not used in any of the login methods demonstrated here, though.
    • The Facebook SDK 3.0 for iOS sample code suggests constructing your own class to hold on to and manage these kinds of operations, if you have anything more than a trivial app. This class of mine below is the beginnings of that idea for my app.
    • You can replace my 'log4Info' and 'log4Debug' macros with NSLog to get this working.
    #import "UWFacebookService.h"
    @implementation UWFacebookService
    // Static
    static const int ddLogLevel = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG;
    // Strong
    @synthesize facebookGraphUser = _facebookGraphUser;
    #pragma mark - Inquiries
    - (BOOL)isSessionStateEffectivelyLoggedIn:(FBSessionState)state {
        BOOL effectivelyLoggedIn;
        switch (state) {
            case FBSessionStateOpen:
                log4Info(@"Facebook session state: FBSessionStateOpen");
                effectivelyLoggedIn = YES;
            case FBSessionStateCreatedTokenLoaded:
                log4Info(@"Facebook session state: FBSessionStateCreatedTokenLoaded");
                effectivelyLoggedIn = YES;
            case FBSessionStateOpenTokenExtended:
                log4Info(@"Facebook session state: FBSessionStateOpenTokenExtended");
                effectivelyLoggedIn = YES;
                log4Info(@"Facebook session state: not of one of the open or openable types.");
                effectivelyLoggedIn = NO;
        return effectivelyLoggedIn;
    * Determines if the Facebook session has an authorized state. It might still need to be opened if it is a cached
    * token, but the purpose of this call is to determine if the user is authorized at least that they will not be
    * explicitly asked anything.
    - (BOOL)isLoggedIn {
        FBSession *activeSession = [FBSession activeSession];
        FBSessionState state = activeSession.state;
        BOOL isLoggedIn = activeSession && [self isSessionStateEffectivelyLoggedIn:state];
        log4Info(@"Facebook active session state: %d; logged in conclusion: %@", state, (isLoggedIn ? @"YES" : @"NO"));
        return isLoggedIn;
    * Attempts to silently open the Facebook session if we have a valid token loaded (that perhaps needs a behind the scenes refresh).
    * After that attempt, we defer to the basic concept of the session being in one of the valid authorized states.
    - (BOOL)isLoggedInAfterOpenAttempt {
        log4Debug(@"FBSession.activeSession: %@", FBSession.activeSession);
        // If we don't have a cached token, a call to open here would cause UX for login to
        // occur; we don't want that to happen unless the user clicks the login button over in Settings, and so
        // we check here to make sure we have a token before calling open
        if (FBSession.activeSession.state == FBSessionStateCreatedTokenLoaded) {
            log4Info(@"We have a cached token, so we're going to re-establish the login for the user.");
            // Even though we had a cached token, we need to login to make the session usable:
            [FBSession.activeSession openWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState status, NSError *error) {
                log4Info(@"Finished opening login session, with state: %d", status);
        else {
            log4Info(@"Active session wasn't in state 'FBSessionStateCreatedTokenLoaded'. It has state: %d", FBSession.activeSession.state);
        return [self isLoggedIn];