While on 1.8, i couldnt use the accepted answer directly, but it helped me find the below:
def stylesheet_include(*sources)
if /^3\.[1-2]/ =~ Rails.version && sources.last.is_a?(Hash)
sources.last.delete :cache
stylesheet_link_tag *sources
Original question
Working on a modified stylesheet_link_tag helper to pass things properly depending on the rails version, as this map maybe be loaded as an engine in Rails 3.1.x. Here's my code so far, and what i'd like to do:
def stylesheet_include(*sources)
options = sources.extract_options!.stringify_keys
if /^3\.[1-2]/ =~ Rails.version
options.delete "cache"
stylesheet_link_tag *sources, options
The problem is, I cannot pass a second parameter when i call * on the sources variable. I cannot just pass sources, options
either, because the link_tag method requires several parameters, not an array. If it receives an array, then you get paths such as: css/reset/css/main.css
Anyone have ideas on how I can get this to work. Worse case scenario I can just not pass the options to it, but i'd rather avoid that.
Actually, if you're using Ruby 1.9, you can indeed have splats before other parameters. Like so:
def stylesheet_include(*sources, options)
options = sources.extract_options!.stringify_keys
if /^3\.[1-2]/ =~ Rails.version
options.delete "cache"
stylesheet_link_tag *sources, options
The problem, of course, is that the last thing you pass to this method will then always become options
, even if it isn't a hash. And you can't assign a default to options
either, since that behavior would be fairly ambiguous. Thus that solution will work if you always make sure to at least pass an empty hash as the last parameter of stylesheet_include
If that doesn't work for you, try taking the splat as the parameter and seeing if the last member of the splat is a hash: if so it's your options, if not your options are empty.