I'm having trouble in Scala 2.9.2 implementing a method which declares a dependent return type. The following code
object DependentTypesQuestion {
def ??? = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
trait X {
trait Y
trait Z {
def z(x: X): x.Y
object Z extends Z {
override def z(x: X): x.Y = ???
under 2.9.2 produces the following error message during compilation:
overriding method z in trait Z of type (x: DependentTypesQuestion.X)x.Y; method z has incompatible type
In 2.10.0-M4 the problem seems to have been fixed, but unfortunately my project is tied to 2.9 for now.
Is it possible to work around this issue in 2.9.2?
(Alternatively, is there any prospect of a 2.9.3 which would include the backported fix from 2.10?)
If you're really stuck with 2.9.x then the following might be a workaround for you,
object DependentTypesQuestion {
def ??? = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
trait X {
trait Y
trait Z[D[_ <: X with Singleton]] {
def z[T <: X with Singleton](x: T): D[T]
type Dep[T <: X with Singleton] = T#Y
object Z extends Z[Dep] {
override def z[T <: X with Singleton](x: T): x.Y = ???