Can anyone tell me why this is not working please? I have two registry checks to check if Visual C++ Redistributables are installed:
<Property Id="REGDBKEYEXISTX64">
<RegistrySearch Id="REGDBKEYEXISTX64" Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{837b34e3-7c30-493c-8f6a-2b0f04e2912c}" Name="Version" Type="raw" Win64="yes" />
<!--Checking if Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables are installed on a 32-bit system-->
<RegistrySearch Id="REGDBKEYEXIST" Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{837b34e3-7c30-493c-8f6a-2b0f04e2912c}" Name="Version" Type="raw" Win64="no" />
I then run a custom action if they are not installed:
<Custom Action="InstallRedistributables" After="GetVariantName">Installed OR REGDBKEYEXISTX64 OR REGDBKEYEXIST</Custom>
However when the redistributables are installed it still runs the custom action which is what i do not want. I know it detects it as this is my log file:
MSI (c) (4C:44) [12:19:04:989]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding REGDBKEYEXIST property. Its value is '#134276921'.
So what could be the problem? I have this done on another custom action and it works perfectly so i really don't know the solution.
It appears your condition is reversed. The REGDBKEYEXIST
properties will be set if the registry key exists, and thus true when the search indicates the redistributable is present. So what you probably want is more like NOT REGDBKEYEXIST
You also probably only want to run this on first time install (hence your reference to Installed
). So I would suggest changing your condition to something more like the following: