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WebGrid: Include information in the row (tr). for example the Id

I am working with the helper Html.WebGrid in MVC3, how I can do to include the data for each TR tag?.

I have data in a column, I do not want to show the column, and I need these data are on the TR of the table, and then work with JavaScript.

Thank you.


public class MyModel

public DataTable Data { get; set; }

public IList<dynamic> Results()
    var columnas = this.Columnas();
    var result = new List<dynamic>();
    foreach (DataRow row in this.Data.Rows)
        var obj = (IDictionary<string, object>)new ExpandoObject();
        foreach (DataColumn column in columns)
            if (!columna.ColumnName.StartsWith("_"))
                obj.Add(column.ColumnName, row[column.ColumnName]);

    return result;

private IList<DataColumn> Columns()
    var columns = new List<DataColumn>();
    foreach (DataColumn column in this.Data.Columns)

    return columns;


@model MySite.Model.MyModel

@using System.Data

    ViewBag.Title = "My page";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/Layout.cshtml";
    if (Model == null) { 
            <div>no results</div>
    else {
            <div>Rows:  <span>@Model.Data.Rows.Count</span></div>

        var grid = new WebGrid(source: Model.Results(), rowsPerPage: 10);

                fillEmptyRows: true,
                alternatingRowStyle: "fila-alternativa",
                headerStyle: "encabezado-grid",
                footerStyle: "pie-grid",
                mode: WebGridPagerModes.All,
                firstText: "<< Primera",
                previousText: "< Anterior",
                nextText: "Siguiente >",
                lastText: "Última >>"

        @Html.HiddenFor(model => Model.Filtros.TipoConsultaSiguiente)


  • You can set up a class for this column when configure your grid

    @MvcHtmlString.Create(grid.GetHtml(htmlAttributes: new { id = "grid" },
                                             tableStyle: "members_table",
                                             rowStyle: "alt",
                                             mode: WebGridPagerModes.All,
                                             columns: grid.Columns(
                                                   grid.Column(columnName: "Id", format: @<text></text>, style: "hiddenColumn"), ...

    and in hiddenColumn class set up visibility for this column.