I'm currently trying to render a tree of Flickr Collections and Sets as HTML from C#. I'm using the Flickr.NET library to a list of all my collections with their childcollections and sets.
What I need to do is to render this tree as a HTML tree using nested unordered lists and I'm thinking of a recursive solution since a Collection can hold one or more sets and also hold child collections which again can hold sets and collections.
What I have right now is a list of all the root collections, their childcollections and their sets. So i.e. my Flickr tree looks like this:
Collection (this collection is in my list as an object itself)
Collection (this collection is in my list as an object itself)
And basically it could looks a hundred more ways since editors will eventually create a number more Collections within collections and sets within sets.
So, for every collection and set, I need a new nested unordered list.
I know this is quite complex, but nonetheless, it would be great to have an algorithm to render the tree as HTML. I've just become a tad too rusty when it comes to recursive algorithms :-/
I guess my basecase here is if the current collection doesn't have any childcollections and doesn't have any, then I can stop the recursive method?
Any help/hint on this is greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot in advance.
All the best,
I broke down the algorithms in four steps:
private void LoadFlickrTreeRecursive()
foreach (var collection in allCollections)
flickrTreeMarkup.Append("<ul class='collection'>");
flickrTreeMarkup.Append("<li>" + collection.Title + "</li>");
if (collection.Sets.Count > 0)
if (collection.Collections.Count > 0)
private void RenderFlickPhotoSet(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<CollectionSet> sets)
foreach (var set in sets)
flickrTreeMarkup.Append("<ul class='set'>");
flickrTreeMarkup.Append("<li>" + set.Title + "</li>");
var photos = flickr.PhotosetsGetPhotos(set.SetId);
if (photos.Count > 0)
flickrTreeMarkup.Append("<ul class='photos'>");
foreach (var photo in photos)
flickrTreeMarkup.Append("<li>" + photo.Title + "</li>");
private void RenderFlickrCollectionRecursive(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Collection> collections)
foreach (var collection in collections)
flickrTreeMarkup.Append("<ul class='collection'>");
flickrTreeMarkup.Append("<li>" + collection.Title + "</li>");
if (collection.Collections.Count > 0)
Works like a charm :-)
However, if anyone know of a better way than this, please let me know. Thanks!
This algorithm should work with a TreeView control:
function rec(Collection c, TreeNode n)
TreeNode me = new TreeNode();
for each collection v in c:
rec(v, me)
for each set s in c:
AddSet(s, me)