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Does NSUTF16LittleEndianStringEncoding make a byte array

I need to encrypt a string. The service that I am sending it to requires that it be an MD5 hash of the byte array of the string in UTF16LE.

Basically: if I have myString that needs to be put into a UTF16LE byte array, and then that array needs to be MD5 Hashed.

Does NSUTF16LittleEndianStringEncoding actually make the byte array? I can't tell from the documentation if that's what is going on. If it does not, does anyone have a good way to create a byte array form a sting with UTF16LE encoding? I've tried using getBytes, and [myString bytes] and const char and I still am striking out. Admittedly there is something I don't understand but the documentation is not shedding any light that I can see. Note: I asked a similar question the other day but I have since found out more information about what they want.



  • it will when you use it with -[NSString dataUsingEncoding:]:

    NSData * data = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF16LittleEndianStringEncoding];
    const char* const bytes = data.bytes;