This question is similar to: Facebook Error 191 on canvas app using FB.ui() for the 'feed' dialog (worked before, stopped working last week) which was never answered.
Starting today, after the user likes the page and enters the contest, the share dialog which presented itself stopped working and gave:
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
when logged in as an admin and just an error occurred for other users. This tab has been running well for a while now. I have confirmed it with an associate of mine. They did make a change to another part of the app (yesterday and today) but the sharing was still working until this afternoon. They did not change the part that generates the dialog.
The tab is:
Anyone have any insight? Feel free to use 'cancel' rather than sharing and fake data to sign up, then unlike the page if you wish.
Thanks in advance.
Same problem here, there is a bug posted on Facebook Developes here: