I'm having a hangup that I can't seem to get past. I'm not asking for code (although that would be nice), just trying to get going in the right direction. I'm trying to record audio on my website (press a button and speak into a mic), then have that recording saved onto a server (different than the one that I have my website on). I've found a few flash recorders, but they all seem to want to save to a hard drive on the clients computer. Has anyone had any success with doing something similar? Any recorders that may be easier to accomplish this on? The recorders I've read about seem to be lacking documentation in saving the audio to a MySQL database.
DO NOT save multimedia or large files into your database. You may save filename and associated data into your database table. The file may be given a unique name and you may store that in the database. The file may be copied into the server with that UNIQUE filename and you may even create a folder with some unique name and may be copied the file into that. But the path of the file should be able to retrieve from the database.
Also, you may refer to this stackoverflow question How to record voice files using PHP, FLASH