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SWFUpload what happens after file select?

I'm lost here. I'm trying to set up a simple file upload, handled by SWFUpload. After file selection nothing happens. I don't see a request being sent, and there is nothing in my console. Is the swf object supposed to call my upload_url page immediately?

        var swfu,jobForm;
        var j = jQuery.noConflict();
        j(window).load(function() {
            jobForm = j('.admin-atomic-form form');
            swfu = new SWFUpload({
                upload_url : "URL/upload.php",
                flash_url : "URL/swfupload.swf",
                file_size_limit : "20 MB",
                file_types : "*.doc;*.pdf;*.rtf;*docx;*.jpg;",
                //file_types_description : "All Files",
                file_upload_limit : "1",
                button_placeholder_id : "swfuploader",
                button_image_url : "URL/file-browse.png",
                button_width: 100,
                button_height: 30,
                upload_start_handler : uploadStart,
                upload_success_handler : uploadSuccess

        function uploadStart(){
        function uploadSuccess(){


  • SWFUploadObj.startUpload(); needs to be fired and that's what initiated the POST request to the specified upload_url. If this method is fired by some default setting, it certainly wasn't doing it for me.

    Here is an example of a few of my functions:

    // Bound to file_queued_handler : sets a flag that there is a file waiting to upload 
    function swfuFileQueued(file){
        resumeQueued = true;
    //Bound to form submit event:
    //a successful upload will submit this form again once the success response with the server-moved and renamed filename comes back from the file upload handling script
    function swfuFormSubmit(ev){
            return true;
        } else {
            if(resumeQueued == true){
                swfuUploadStart(); // see next function
            } else {
                return true;
    function swfuUploadStart(){
        try {
            swfu.startUpload(); // <-- The actual method that begins the file upload request
        } catch (e) {
        return false;
    function swfuProgress(){ ...
    function swfuError(){ ...
    function swfuSuccess(){ 
        //update input element containing filename or id to send with form
        //update a status box with "Success"
        //uploadSuccess = true 
        //form.submit() once more, this time uploadSuccess will tell the function to continue on and actually submit itself

    Useful URL to understand SWFUpload process :