I have a very similar problem to the one described in this question. (The main difference being that i am using Grails 2.1).
Basically i want to write a unit test which does sth like:
// set params so i can create an obj.
def results = controller.save()
// validate results or model/view
results = controller.edit(id, version)
However, this doesn't work, because the first method action (save) has triggered a redirect and the second one would too, which leads to a CannotRedirectException. With the message:
Cannot issue a redirect(..) here. A previous call to redirect(..) has already redirected the response.
The proposed solution for this (found in various places) is:
However, this doesn't work, because since Grails 2, redirectArgs doesn't exist, there is only
which can only be read, not written to.
I have also already tried these things (in various combinations):
controller = new OfferObjectController()
controller = mockController(OfferObjectController)
All without any luck.
I have totally run out of ideas what else could work/help. Any suggestion is appreciated!
==== EDIT ====
i forgot to clarify that
kind of works, it lets me call another action, however it seems to undo/rollback the changes done by the previous action, which is exactly what i want to avoid (if i wanted that, i would put the call into its own test[method]).
The answer is
I don't know why you're receiving that exception. By the way, you should create one task one test.
I guess you can try this:
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.GrailsWebRequest
// set params so i can create an obj.
def results = controller.save()
def lastRequest = GrailsWebRequest.lookup().currentRequest
// validate results or model/view
results = controller.edit(id, version)