i'm fiddling with matlab (no toolboxes added) and am trying to understand how to create x-minute bars from a trade database.
accessing the data from SQL server, i get a cell array, Buy_Data:
Attributes: []
Data: {619134x2 cell}
DatabaseObject: [1x1 database]
RowLimit: 0
SQLQuery: [1x210 char]
Message: []
Type: 'Database Cursor Object'
ResultSet: [1x1 com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerResultSet]
Cursor: [1x1 com.mathworks.toolbox.database.sqlExec]
Statement: [1x1 com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerStatement]
Fetch: [1x1 com.mathworks.toolbox.database.fetchTheData]
now, the content looks something like:
'2012-08-28 16:48:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:48:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:14.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:14.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:21.0' [24799]
'2012-08-28 16:49:51.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:51.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:55.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:55.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 17:00:12.0' [24839]
how do i go about combining 2 of these cell-arrays into a x-minute time series?
Well, combining the cell arrays is as simple as
new_Data = [Buy_data.Data; Buy_data2.Data]
where obviously, Buy_data
and Buy_data2
are your two different structures.
Combining these into an x-minute candlestick format can be done like this:
% example data
new_cell = {
'2012-08-28 16:48:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:48:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:14.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:14.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:21.0' [24799]
'2012-08-28 16:49:51.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:51.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:55.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:55.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 16:49:56.0' [24800]
'2012-08-28 17:00:12.0' [24839]
% your period (in minutes)
x = 1;
% convert dates to numbers and make sure dates are sorted
[dateNums, sortInds] = sort(datenum(new_cell(:,1)));
prices = [new_cell{:,2}].';
prices = prices(sortInds);
% find minimum date, maximum date
minDate = min(dateNums);
maxDate = max(dateNums);
% group data into bins
x = x/24/60;
numBins = ceil( (maxDate-minDate)/x );
[N,X] = hist(dateNums,numBins);
% create candlesticks
inds = [1 cumsum(N)];
candles.min = zeros(numBins,1);
candles.max = zeros(numBins,1);
candles.open = zeros(numBins,1);
candles.close = zeros(numBins,1);
candles.dates = cell(numBins,1);
for ii = 1:numBins
% we already know the dates
candles.dates{ii} = datestr(X(ii));
% continue only if there's data
if N(ii)
% extract the prices
subSet = prices(inds(ii):inds(ii+1));
% find max, min, open, close
candles.open(ii) = subSet(1);
candles.close(ii) = subSet(end);
candles.max(ii) = max(subSet);
candles.min(ii) = min(subSet);
Note that you need to do some tweaking, as these would be pretty unrepresentable candlesticks :) Anyway, it should be enough to get you started.