I have a loop thats going through all div's in a table cel with class 'GridCell'. It is required that this happens in some situations, when the grid or columns are resized.
I extended the number of rows and columns, to see more time differences, and the loop is around 750 ms right now.
But what I don't understand, is that 'just a part of the loop' is a lot faster. See the following three loops. The first is slow. The second and third loop that only do a part of the first loop are really fast.
//Around 750 ms
$('table.Grid tbody td.GridCell > div').each(function() {
var width = $(this).parent().width();
$(this).css('width', width - 3);
//Around 60 ms
$('table.Grid tbody td.GridCell > div').each(function() {
var width = $(this).parent().width();
//Around 15 ms
$('table.Grid tbody td.GridCell > div').each(function() {
$(this).css('width', 100);
So one line, is only 60 or 15 ms, but the two together are 750. What makes this difference?
p.s. It doesn't matter in what sequence I execute the loops. The first loop is always a lot slower then the others, also when that loop is executed last.
// collect the widths from the first row only
var widths = $('table.Grid tbody tr:first-child td.GridCell').map(function(idx) {
return $(this).width() - 3;
// or use:
// return this.clientWidth - 3;
// if you're not targeting IE <= 7
// apply the widths to each div
$('table.Grid tbody td.GridCell > div').each(function(idx) {
this.style.width = widths[idx % widths.length] + 'px';