In my Qt app, I create some of my widgets dynamically. Among them are QToolButtons that need to have a similar behavior.
Here is how the widgets are created:
QMap<QString, QToolButton*> unselectButtonMap;
foreach(QString instance, ...) {
unselectButtonMap[instance] = new QToolButton;
Now I would like the unselectInstence
slot to know which instance is concerned.
I first thougth about giving the instance name as a parameter to the slot, but slots only take parameters from signals. The idea was something like:
Any other idea on how to do that ?
Notes: I'm using Qt4.8
EDIT: based on shan's answer, and because I needed the instance name instead of the QToolButton itself, here is what I came up to
void MyWindow::unselectInstance() {
foreach(QString instance, unselectButtonMap.keys()) {
if(unselectButtonMap[instance] == QObject::sender()) {
//do stuff here...
The pointer comparison seems to work pretty well.
RE-EDIT: and based on user1313312's answer, we would declare a QSignalMapper:
QSignalMapper *signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
QObject::connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)), this, SLOT(unselectInstance(QString)));
then connect the QToolButton to the mapper
signalMapper->setMapping(unselectButtonMap[instance], instance);
and the slot would be way much simpler:
void MyWindow::unselectinstance(QString instance) {
//do stuff here...
Although using QObject::sender()
is perfectly fine, the idealistic approach would be QSignalMapper