Search code examples

Recursively traverse a multidimensional array and print hierarchical sets of checkboxes

i have a multidimensional array like this

$role = array (
    'Dashboard' => null,
    'Students' => array (
        'Admission' => array (
            0 => 'Entry',
            1 => 'Review',
            2 => 'Approved/Reject'
        'Search' => null,
        'AdvanceSearch' => null,
        'Courses' => null
    'HR' => array (
        'Settings' => null
    'Employee Management' => array (
        0 => 'Entry',
        1 => 'Association',
        2 =>  'Search'
    'Employee Attendance' => null,
    'Payroll' => array (
        0 => 'Generate Pay Slip',
        1 => 'Payroll Run',
        2 => 'Payroll Revert',
        3 =>  'View Pay Slips'
    'Finance' => null,
    'More' => null

and I want to print this array result in my html as

Here is the wanted solution

I am trying to do this by using recursion but unable to do that as DIV are not properly closed.

Here is the code that I am trying in my html:

$child = 0;
function RecursiveWrite($array, $child ) {
    $parent_array_size =  count($array);
    foreach ($array as $key => $vals) {
            $inner_array_size = count($vals);
            echo "<div class='main clear'><input type='checkbox'/> ".$key." &nbsp; &nbsp; ";
            $child = 0;
                echo " &nbsp; <div class='left'> &nbsp; &nbsp; <input type='checkbox' class=''/> ".$vals." &nbsp; &nbsp; </div></div>";
                echo "<div class='clear'><input type='checkbox'/> ".$key." </div></div>";
RecursiveWrite($role, $child);

Here is working code

How can I get this?


  • Your Problem is missing closing div after recursion Try this Function

    function RecursiveWrite($array, $child )
        $parent_array_size =  count($array);
        foreach ($array as $key => $vals)
                $inner_array_size = count($vals);
                echo "<div class='deep'><div class='extra'><input type='checkbox'/> ".$key."</div>";
                echo "</div>";
                    echo "<span class='single'><input type='checkbox' class=''/> ".$vals."</span>";
                    echo "<div class='single'><input type='checkbox'/> ".$key." </div>";

    Use This Css

    <style type="text/css">
        .parent {border: solid 1px #000;}
        .parent div {border: solid 1px #000; margin:5px;}
        .extra {border:0px !important;}
        .single {margin-left:10px !important; border:0px !important;}
        span.single {display:inline-block; margin-left:20px;}

    Use this to call your Function

    <div class="parent"><? RecursiveWrite($role, $child);?></div>

    Put all the code Provided in one page with your array.

    For better Codding standard you should Septate your style html and php for this try your luck ;)