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How do I fill in the area between two lines and a curve that's not straight in MATLAB (the region is not a polygon)

Using matlab's FILL function creates a filled region confined by a polygon with straight edges:

enter image description here

Unfortunately this leaves a small white region in the figure above, because the boundary of the region I want filled in is not a straight-edged polygon, but rather has a curved boundary on the left side. I have a curve (nearly parabolic but not exactly), and I want to fill in the region between two horizontal lines AND the curve itself. I also looked into the MATLAB function IMFILL, but with no luck.


  • What you need to do is make a polygon with more corners, so that it fits the curve more smoothly:

    %# create a parabola and two straight lines
    x = -3:0.1:3;
    y = x.^2/4;
    hold on, plot([-3 3],[1 1],'r',[-3 3],[2 2],'r')
    %# create a polygon that hugs the parabola
    %# note that we need to interpolate separately
    %# for positive and negative x
    x1 = interp1(y(x<0),x(x<0),1:0.1:2);
    %# interpolate in reverse so that the corners are properly ordered
    x2 = interp1(y(x>0),x(x>0),2:-0.1:1);
    %# fill the area bounded by the three lines

    enter image description here