My team tries very hard to stick to Domain Driven Design as an architectural strategy. But, most of the time, our domain entities are pretty anemic. We'd like to be putting more business/domain behavior on our domain entities.
For example, Active Record puts data access on the entity. We don't want that because we happily use the repository pattern for data access.
Also, we design our software to be SOLID (the five software design principles that Uncle Bob put together). So, it's important to us that we pay attention to single responsibility, open-closed, liskov, interface segregation, and dependency inversion while designing our entities.
So, what kinds of behavior should we include? What kinds should we stay away from?
It's been almost a year since I asked this question and I and my team have learned quite a lot since then. Here's how I would answer this question today:
The domain should represent (in code) what the business is or does (in real life). Domain entities, then, are the artifacts or actors found in that real-life business. What kind of behavior do those rea-life artifacts and actors have? All of it. In turn, what kind of behavior SHOULD domain entities have on them? All of it.
For instance, in real life, a manager can hire a new employee. The domain's representation of that should include entities like "manager" and "new employee". The manager is the actor, here.
//newEmployee comes from somewhere else... possibly the UI
//someManagerId comes from the logged in user
var manager = _repository.Get<Manager>(someManagerId);
So, the manager entity models/reflects the behavior of the real-life business, here. The alternative is to skip the manager entity as an actor, and push him off to the corner so a heavy-lifting "domain service" can do all the work... like this:
//newEmployeeService comes from somewhere else... possibly injected using IOC
newEmployeeService.Create(newEmployee, someManagerId);
In an anemic domain, you would use a domain service like this to create or hire an employee. It works, but it's not expressive and the behavior is not as discoverable. Who does what? Why is the manager required to create a new employee?
I think when I asked the question originally, I wanted to try to start including more behavior in my entities, but I really didn't know how without injecting services into my entities (for instance, with constructor injection). Since then, we've learned some new tricks and our team's entities are super-expressive. Here's, in a nutshell, what we are doing: