The following program fails when trying to go to an https web site that requires basic authentication.
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgen->new;
my $user = "foobar";
my $pass = "Cant#change";
my $url = "https://$user:$pass\";
my $tx = $ua->get($url);
if (my $res = $tx->success) {
say $res->body;
else {
my ($message, $code) = $tx->error;
say $code ? "$code response $message" : "Connection error: $message";
When I run with MOJO_USERAGENT_DEBUG=1 I get the following output:
-- Blocking request (
-- Connect (https:foobar:Cant:443)
Connection error: Couldn't connect
Using Mojolicious 3.35 updated from CPAN. Unfortunately, passwords will likely contain "special characters" (ascii #!@%^& and the like) and changing the password to something not containing a # is not an option. The web server handles the request correctly in web browsers, so I do not believe it is a web server configuration issue.
So is there another way to achieve this in Mojo?
The error is yours, not Mojo's. Specifically, the URL is incorrectly built. Fix:
use URI::Escape qw( uri_escape );
my $creds = uri_escape($user) . ':' . uri_escape($pass);
my $url = 'https://' . $creds . '';