I have made some small macro that I am using to display text line and label for it:
{% macro input(name, text, help_text, value="", input_type) -%}
<label for="id_{{name}}">{{text}}<span class="right">{{help_text}}</span></label>
<input id="id_{{name}}" name="{{name}}" value="{{value}}" type="{{input_type}}" />
{{%- endmacro %}
The problem is when I call jinja2 macro:
{{input("username", "Korisničko ime:", "Pomoć", {{value_username}}, "text")}
I can't get it to work when I call input with {{value_username}}
as parameter, I always get an error.
Do you know any solution how can I call {{value_username}}
as parameter.
I believe
{{ input("username", "Korisničko ime:", "Pomoć", value_username, "text") }}
should work