I'm working with an API that uses OAuth2, provides an access token that expires in 3600 seconds, and provides a refresh token with it. Originally, I'd waited for an API call to fail in a way that indicated the access token was expired and then tried to refresh the access token using the refresh token. This has become problematic when the access token is expired and several API calls are made concurrently (each call separately triggers a refresh and most of the calls fail).
Would it be better to automatically refresh the access token using the refresh token after 3600 seconds? (Or 3599 seconds or 3601 seconds?) Is there a different paradigm I should be using for refreshing the access token?
Ideally, the client should have sufficient smarts to not use an expired access token. Fortunately the response from your OAuth AS's token endpoint should include the expires_in attribute to confirm that the expiry will be in 3600 seconds. E.g.:
Since this JSON response is generated by the server, there's a chance that the transmission back to the client has taken time, and thus the "expires_in" value may be smaller than it appears.
Given that, I'd recommend that you have some sort of buffer (say 5-10 seconds) before expiry to automatically use your refresh token to request a new access token.