Search code examples

How to get cursor of ListActivity

I use the most simpliest way in layout to define listview:

    android:drawSelectorOnTop="true" />

Since I need a checked list I use CheckedTextView in listitem template. The user can check as many items in list as he want. It's working fine.

I have a ListActivity root view:

public abstract class ActivityList extends ListActivity {
 protected ListView listView;
 public abstract void renderListView( String filter );
 public void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState ) {
  super.onCreate( savedInstanceState );
  setContentView( R.layout.commonlist );
  listView = getListView();

It is abstract, because ActivitiList will be the parent for other view classes, like products, clients, etc. The abstract renderlistview() will be implemented by children with SimpleCursorAdapter, eg.:

public class ActivityProductList extends ActivityList {
 public void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState ) {
  super.onCreate( savedInstanceState );
  renderListView( null );
 public void renderListView( String filter ) {
  listView.setChoiceMode( ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE );
  SimpleCursorAdapter sca = new SimpleCursorAdapter( this, R.layout.productlistitemchecked, mCursor, from, to );
  setListAdapter( sca );

The ActivityProductList is working fine. The user does it all he want, then clicks on the FINISH button defined and implemented in parent class, where the listview is, too. His event handler is as follows:

protected void getCheckedItems() {
 try {
   String className = this.getListAdapter().getClass().getName();
   Log.e("NanCal", className);
   Class c = this.getListAdapter().getClass();
   ListAdapter la = this.getListAdapter();
   SimpleCursorAdapter ca = ( SimpleCursorAdapter )la;
   Cursor cursor = ca.getCursor();
   SparseBooleanArray selectedItems = listView.getCheckedItemPositions();
   for( int i = 0; i < selectedItems.size(); i++ ) {
    int selectedPosition = selectedItems.keyAt( i );
    cursor.moveToPosition( selectedPosition );
    long rowId = ca.getItemId( selectedPosition );
    Log.d( "", "row id: " + rowId );
  } catch( Exception exception ) {
   Log.e( "NanCalc", exception.getMessage() + "::" + exception.toString() );

The concept is: get the selected item's ids.

However, in the line what I marked by comment the program crashes with error: eclipse screenshot part

The this.getListAdapter() gives me a CursorAdapter than the cast will crashes.

Could somebody help me please?


  • I solved the problem with sword...

    I've tried to access the SimpleCursorAdapter from parent class (ActivityList). This way didn't work. Therefore I§ve changed the base class to abstract and add an abstract method which will return the selected row id's. The abstract method is implemented in child class (ActivityProductList).

    I know this solution doesn't give mention to the original problem. But it works...

    Thank you all responses.