I've got a little GTK-Application with two buttons (A, B) and a drawing area (C). When I click on A, C's size should be recalculated and set with gtk_widget_set_size_request(). This will cause an expose-event, whose handler will calculate some data. Further, the click on A will emit a clicked signal at B, whose handler needs the data calculated by C's expose-event.
In fact everything works fine, but the expose-event delays somehow, and the clicked handler is called before and the data (you may guess it) is missing.
a_handler() {
new_size = calculate_size();
gtk_widget_set_size_request(C, new_size); //Will cause expose-event
g_signal_emit_by_name(B, "clicked");
b_handler() {
calculate_something(data); //Error
c_handler() {
data = calcluate_data();
What can I do?
The ugly fix is typically to add calls to gtk_main_iteration()
, for instance between the call to gtk_widget_set_size_request()
and the signal-emission.