I'm trying to internationalize some titles in Birt. I'm using Birt report viewer and simply used a birt tag in my jsp to display my report.
It worked nice until I tried to internationalize some titles. I created a resource.properties file with my key=value association. My rptdesign is set to version 3.2.23 instead of 3.2 once I have referenced my key.
Next, I get the following error when my jsp is loaded :
The file reporting.rptdesign has error and can not be run.
Hence I would like to know if there are some specific jars required for internationalization using the report viewer.
Edit : the problem seems to be independant of internationalization itself. Simply changing the version to 3.2.23 makes an error. I tried to put a later version like 3.2.6 but each time I reference a key, the version is set back to 3.2.23 as if it was the only version taking internationalization into account !
Edit 2 : I deployed the WebViewerExample of Birt Runtime 4.2 and could use an rptdesign of version 3.2.23 in it. The internationalization doesn't seem to work for moment, but I guess it's not the same error now... Will add an answer once I get everything to work using the birt tag.
Edit 3 : It works in the Eclipse preview, but not once deployed in a tomcat. I have tried several changes to the web.xml and the location of the resources, but did not change. However the web.xml is read since I can change the locale in it and see the internationalized messages of the birt core. But my specific key/value associations are not taken into account.
Thanks in advance !
I finally solved my problem and added some information on this other post :