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iPhone: how to quantize the position of a touched object

Hi all you smart people out there! I want to create a touch interface to an iOS app, that allows the user to drag an object on the screen around. However, this object should be restricted to move along the perimeter of a circle, so that if the user is trying to drag the object outside that path, it would stick to the nearest point of that circle. I have done some iPhone programming, but my math is poor. Please help!


  • All you have to do is set the frame of the view to follow the equation of a circle (of the form: (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = r^2). Once you detect the touch point, you can restrict the view's frame according to the x or the y coordinate of the touch point (both ways are the same).

    #define circleRadius 60.0 // r in the above eqtn
    #define circlesCenter_X 160.0 // a in the above eqtn
    #define circlesCenter_Y 200.0 // b in the above eqtn
    #define circleCenter_y(x) sqrtf(circleRadius*circleRadius - (x-circlesCenter_X)*(x-circlesCenter_X))
    -(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
        UITouch *touch = [[event touchesForView:firstPieceView] anyObject];
        CGPoint previousLocation = [touch previousLocationInView:self.view];
        CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:self.view];
        CGFloat delta_x = previousLocation.x - location.x; // constrained by x in this eg.
        CGFloat newX =;
        // do limit the view's x-coordinate for possible solutions
        if(newX<circlesCenter_X - circleRadius)
            newX = circlesCenter_X - circleRadius;
        if(newX>circlesCenter_X + circleRadius)
            newX = circlesCenter_X + circleRadius; = CGPointMake(newX, circleCenter_y(newX)*(location.y>=circlesCenter_Y?1:-1) + circlesCenter_Y);

    EDIT- Better solution:

    #define circleRadius 60.0 // r in the above eqtn
    #define circlesCenter_X 160.0 // a in the above eqtn
    #define circlesCenter_Y 200.0 // b in the above eqtn
    #define slope(x,y) (y-circlesCenter_Y)/(x-circlesCenter_X)
    #define pointOnCircle_X(m) circleRadius/(sqrtf(m*m + 1))
    -(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
        UITouch *touch = [[event touchesForView:self.view] anyObject];
        CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:self.view];
        CGFloat slope;
        CGPoint pointOnCircle;
        if(location.x==circlesCenter_X){// case for infinite slope
            pointOnCircle.x = circlesCenter_X;
                pointOnCircle.y = circlesCenter_Y - circleRadius;
                pointOnCircle.y = circlesCenter_Y + circleRadius;
            slope = slope(location.x,location.y);
                pointOnCircle.x = circlesCenter_X - pointOnCircle_X(slope);
                pointOnCircle.x = circlesCenter_X + pointOnCircle_X(slope);
            pointOnCircle.y = slope * (pointOnCircle.x - circlesCenter_X) + circlesCenter_Y;
        } = pointOnCircle;

    This can be applied similarly for Android, Blackberry, etc too!