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Linker can't find CTFontCreateWithNameAndOptions

I am trying to use CTFontCreateWithNameAndOptions() from CoreText and the linker is saying "Symbol(s) not found", specifically for _CTFontCreateWithNameAndOptions. I added CoreText.framework and am importing <CoreText/CoreText.h>. It compiles fine, but the linker fails.

Here's the declaration in CTFont.h:

CTFontRef CTFontCreateWithNameAndOptions( CFStringRef name, CGFloat size, const CGAffineTransform *matrix, CTFontOptions options ) CT_AVAILABLE_STARTING( __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_3_2);

Here's the actual call:

CTFontRef font = CTFontCreateWithNameAndOptions( (CFStringRef)@"HelveticaNeue-Bold" , 14.0f , NULL , kCTFontOptionsDefault ) ;

Anybody have any ideas?

My iOS app is linking against the 4.2 framework.


  • I had the same problem. _CTFontCreateWithNameAndOptions is not part of the CoreText framework for iOS, it is part of CoreText framework for OS X only. I reported a documentation bug.