When implementing OAUTH, I have the following problem. When creating the signature base, should encoded parameters be encoded again or should encoded parameters be left out of the encoding when normalizing parameters?
It seems you need to apply double encoding when I read the documentation:
For example, the HTTP request:
POST /request?b5=%3D%253D&a3=a&c%40=&a2=r%20b HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: OAuth realm="Example",
contains the following (fully decoded) parameters used in the signature base sting:
| Name | Value |
| b5 | =%3D |
| a3 | a |
| c@ | |
| a2 | r b |
| oauth_consumer_key | 9djdj82h48djs9d2 |
| oauth_token | kkk9d7dh3k39sjv7 |
| oauth_signature_method | HMAC-SHA1 |
| oauth_timestamp | 137131201 |
| oauth_nonce | 7d8f3e4a |
| c2 | |
| a3 | 2 q |
Note that the value of "b5" is "=%3D" and not "==". Both "c@" and "c2" have empty values. While the encoding rules specified in this specification for the purpose of constructing the signature base string exclude the use of a "+" character (ASCII code 43) to represent an encoded space character (ASCII code 32), this practice is widely used in "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" encoded values, and MUST be properly decoded, as demonstrated by one of the "a3" parameter instances (the "a3" parameter is used twice in this request).