I am fairly new at Python and lack formal training. Everything I have learned has been through books and a few videos I have seen. So while I understand basic concepts, I still have trouble with some things many better coders may take for granted. So I need help with this.
I was working on a chess program, and while creating the pawns, I got to wondering how to create them all with one function but be able to access them separately later to change their individual positions. I can't make a string into a variable, like I hoped.
class Name(object):
def __init__(self, posx, posy, posz):
self.pos= (posz, posy, posz)
Then I can just create a bunch with positions from a list, but still access them all as separate objects.
One way to make it easier on yourself is to not have the pieces worry about where they are, instead delegating that to a Board object:
import string
class Piece(object):
def __init__(self, type, colour):
self.type = type
self.colour = colour
def __str__(self):
return 'Piece(%(type)s, %(colour)s)' % self.__dict__
class Board(dict):
def __init__(self, width, height):
dict(((x,y), None)
for x in string.ascii_lowercase[:width] # alphabetic axis
for y in xrange(1, height+1) # numeric axis
def setup(self, position_seq):
for type, colour, position in position_seq:
self[position] = Piece(type, colour)
initial_positions = [
('rook', 'W', ('a', 1)),
('knight', 'W', ('b', 1)),
('bishop', 'W', ('c', 1)),
('queen', 'W', ('d', 1)),
('king', 'W', ('e', 1)),
('pawn', 'W', ('a', 2)),
b = Board( 8,8 )
b.setup( initial_positions )
print b['a',1] # returns Piece(rook, W)
The setup
method for the Board takes a list of tuples, with each containing the data needed to instantiate a new piece, as well as specifying where it should go on the board. No recursion necessary, just a simple loop passing data into a class.