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Simulate stochastic bipartite network based on trait values of species - in R

I would like to create bipartite networks in R. For example, if you have a data.frame of two types of species (that can only interact across species, not within species), and each species has a trait value (e.g., size of mouth in the predator allows who gets to eat which prey species), how do we simulate a network based on the traits of the species (that is, two species can only interact if their traits overlap in values for instance)?

UPDATE: Here is a minimal example of what I am trying to do. 1) create phylogenetic tree; 2) simulate traits on the phylogeny; 3) create networks based on species trait values.

# packages
library(ape); library(phytools)

# Make phylogenetic trees
tree_predator <- rcoal(10)
tree_prey <- rcoal(10)

# Simulate traits on each tree
trait_predator <- fastBM(tree_predator)
trait_prey <- fastBM(tree_prey)

# Create network of predator and prey
## This is the part I can't do yet. I want to create bipartite networks, where 
## predator and prey interact based on certain crriteria. For example, predator
## species A and prey species B only interact if their body size ratio is
## greater than X.


  • The format of the answer really depends on what you want to do next, but here's an attempt:

    npred <- nprey <- 10
    tree_predator <- rcoal(npred)
    tree_prey <- rcoal(nprey)
    ## Simulate traits on each tree
    trait_predator <- fastBM(tree_predator)
    trait_prey <- fastBM(tree_prey)

    (I used set.seed(101) for reproducibility, so these are my trait results ...

    > trait_predator
             t1          t9          t4          t8          t5          t2 
    -2.30933392 -3.17387148 -0.01447305 -0.01293273 -0.25483749  1.87279355 
             t6         t10          t3          t7 
     0.70646610  0.79508740  0.05293099  0.00774235 
    > trait_prey
             t10           t7           t9           t6           t8           t1 
     0.849256948 -0.790261142  0.305520218 -0.182596793 -0.033589511 -0.001545289 
              t4           t5           t3           t2 
    -0.312790794  0.475377720 -0.222128629 -0.095045954 


    The values you've generated are on an unbounded space, so it doesn't really make sense to take their ratios; we'll assume they're the logarithms of size, so exp(x-y) will be the predator/prey size ratio. Arbitrarily, I'll assume the cutoff is 1.5 ...

    Use outer to compare all predator to prey traits: this creates a binary (0/1) matrix.

    bmatrix <- outer(trait_predator,trait_prey,
          function(x,y) as.numeric(exp(x-y)>1.5))

    One way to visualize the results ...


    enter image description here

    You can see for example that predator #6 (labeled t2 in the output above) is really big (log size=1.87), so it eats all the prey species ...

    Using igraph (some of my approach here is a bit hacky)

    edges <- which(bmatrix==1,arr.ind=TRUE)  ## extract vertex numbers
    ## distinguish prey (columns) from pred (rows)
    edges[,2] <- npred+edges[,2]             
    gg <- graph.bipartite(rep(1:0,c(npred,nprey)),
    ## c(t(edges)) collapses the two-column matrix to a vector in row order ...
    ## now plot ...

    This matches the matrix format above -- predators 1 and 2 (=vertices 1 and 2) eat no-one, prey 2 (= vertex 12) is eaten by lots of different predators ... This representation is prettier but not necessarily clearer (e.g. both predator 7 and 8 eat prey 2 (vertex 12), but their arrows coincide). Having it in igraph form might be nice if you want to apply graph-theoretic approaches, though (and there are a plethora of layout options for plotting the graphs).

    enter image description here