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Unable to resolve error - java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

I made a java method to add a row to a database. I am calling this method about 1000 plus times for testing purposes. I called the close() method on my prepared statement and i am still getting the oracle error whenever this method is called to insert a row.


ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

Source Code

public void insertARow(ArrayList<String> row)
        //Proper SQL statement here, checked by running on DB  
        String insert = "INSERT INTO,colb) values(?,?)";

        //Add a row 
        PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(insert);//con is a connection object 
        //'row' is an arraylist of strings
        for(int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++ )

            int j = 1 +  i ; 
            String temp = row.get(i);
            ps.setString(j , temp);

        ps.executeUpdate();//The reason for problems !!!

    }catch(SQLException e)
        System.out.println("Cannot add row !");


  • If you're trying to perform the same operation a 1000 times, I would advise re-using the same PreparedStatement or using addBatch() and executeBatch() combo.

    If you're planning to re-use your PreparedStatement, here's something that you can do:

    public void insertARow(PreparedStatement ps, ArrayList<String> row){
     //your code
    public void calledMethod(){
     String insert = "INSERT INTO,colb) values(?,?)";
     PreparedStatement ps = null;
       ps = con.prepareStatement(insert);
        * Here you make the call to insertARow passing it the preparedstatement that you
        * have created. This in your case will be called multiple times.
       insertARow(ps, row);
       if(ps != null){
         //close ps