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Naive Bayesian and zero-frequency issue

I think I've implemented most of it correctly. One part confused me:

The zero-frequency problem: Add 1 to the count for every attribute value-class combination (Laplace estimator) when an attribute value doesn’t occur with every class value.

Here's some of my client code:

string text = "Claim your free Macbook now!";
double posteriorProbSpam = classifier.Classify(text, "spam");
double posteriorProbHam = classifier.Classify(text, "ham");

Now say the word 'free' is present in the training data somewhere

classifier.Train("ham", "Attention: Collect your Macbook from store.");
*Lot more here*
classifier.Train("spam", "Free macbook offer expiring.");

But the word is present in my training data for category 'spam' only not in 'ham'. So when I go to calculate posteriorProbHam what do i do when I come across the word 'free'.

enter image description here


  • Still add one. The reason: Naive Bayes models P("free" | spam) and P("free" | ham) as being completely independent, so you want to estimate the probability of each completely independently. The Laplace estimator you're using for P("free" | spam) is (count("free" | spam) + 1) / count(spam); P("ham" | spam) is the same.

    If you think about what it would mean to not add one, it wouldn't really make sense: seeing "free" one time in ham would make it less likely to see "free" in spam.