Going over some of the tutorials I have found MongoDB: get documents by tags, it seems that most tags are created as list of items. In my schema I want dynamic tags (key-value pairs), so every item in the collection has a tags field like the following entry:
{"tags" : {"key1" : "value1", "key2", "value2"}}
However I'd like indexing on the keys inside the tags field. AFAIK, this is not possible (even with multikey indexes), since the keys can be arbitrary?
Will I need to migrate the schema to look like:
{"tags" : [{"key1" : "value1"}, {"key2" : "value2"}]}
If so would my index look like:
db.foo.ensureIndex({"tags" : 1})
As suggested here:
Yes, you can index over an array of subdocuments as tags, but you always need to query for the complete sub-document. create the index as you stated above with
db.foo.ensureIndex({'tags': 1})
and query with:
db.foo.find('tags': {'key1': 'value1'})
This will use the index and return all documents that have that particular sub-document in their tags array.