How do I create table with composite keys using astyanax client. For now I've created it with cqlsh -3, and this is how it looks like in cli:
[default@KS] describe my_cf;
ColumnFamily: my_cf
Key Validation Class: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type
Default column value validator: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type
Columns sorted by: org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CompositeType(org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TimeUUIDType,org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type)
GC grace seconds: 864000
Compaction min/max thresholds: 4/32
Read repair chance: 0.1
DC Local Read repair chance: 0.0
Replicate on write: true
Caching: KEYS_ONLY
Bloom Filter FP chance: default
Built indexes: []
Compaction Strategy: org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy
Compression Options:
This is how I would expect it to be in cqlsh:
... key text,
... timeid timeuuid,
... flag boolean,
... data text,
... PRIMARY KEY (key, timeid));
I got it working with composite key stored as a blob which is a problem.
public class MyKey {
private String key;
private UUID timeid;
public static ColumnFamily<MyKey, String> MY_CF = ColumnFamily
new AnnotatedCompositeSerializer<MyKey>(MyKey.class),
ksDef = cluster.makeKeyspaceDefinition();
// blob if no key validation class specified
// and something looking as a string if I use this: .setKeyValidationClass("CompositeType(UTF8Type, TimeUUIDType)")
// anyway there's a single column per composite key
MutationBatch m = ks.prepareMutationBatch();
for (char keyName = 'A'; keyName <= 'C'; keyName++) {
MyKey myKey = new MyKey("THEKEY_" + keyName, TimeUUIDUtils.getUniqueTimeUUIDinMillis());
ColumnListMutation<String> cfm = m.withRow(MY_CF, myKey);
cfm.putColumn("flag", true, null);
cfm.putColumn("data", "DATA_" + keyName, null);
cqlsh:KS>describe columnfamily my_cf;
flag boolean,
data text
) WITH ...
cqlsh:KS>select * from my_cf;
key | flag | data
00064953494e5f420000109f4513d0e3ac11e19c400022191ad62b00 | True | DATA_B
cqlsh:KS> select * from my_cf where key = 'THEKEY_B' order by timeid desc;
Bad Request: Order by on unknown column timeid
cassandra-cli] list my_cf;
RowKey: THEKEY_B:09f29941-e3c2-11e1-a7ef-0022191ad62b
=> (column=active, value=true, timestamp=1344695832788000)
=> (column=data, value=DATA_B, timestamp=1344695832788000)
What am I doing wrong? (astyanax 1.0.6, cassandra 1.1.2) cqlsh>[cqlsh 2.2.0 | Cassandra 1.1.2 | CQL spec 3.0.0 | Thrift protocol 19.32.0]
From what I've been able to figure out, composite primary keys represent a major divergence in the protocol and interface to cassandra and the protocol you use controls the features you have access to.
For instance, astyanax and hector are primarily thrift protocol clients, while CQL, more than just a language, is (or will be?) a binary protocol.
The two protocols are not equivalent and CQL3 with composite primary keys makes things very different.
The thing to understand about "TABLES" with composite primary keys is that they essentially translate into wide rows with composite column names. The first part of the primary key is the row key and the remaining parts are used as a prefix along with the TABLE-column name as the column name in the wide row.
In your instance, the row key is "key" and the column prefix is "timeid", so the flag field of what you are inserting is actually a column named :flag and data is :data and so on.
In order for this to work, the CQL protocol interface to cassandra is converting "TABLES" into wide rows and transparently handling all of that column naming.
The thrift interface doesn't take care of this stuff and and when you do a mutation, it just writes columns like it is used to, without the virtual addressing.
So, in fact, the results do not look right in your cassandra-cli. If you do an insert from cqlsh -3, here is what it should look like from the cassandra-cli point of view (with a simple text date):
[default@testapp] list my_cf;
RowKey: mykey
=> (column=20120827:data, value=some data, timestamp=1346090889361000)
=> (column=20120827:flag, value=, timestamp=1346090889361001)
CQL3 and tables look really attractive, but there are some trade-offs to be made and there doesn't seem to be solid java client support yet.