I have an application on VS 2008 with .NET 3.5 that was configured for Any CPU. Due a migration (All servers, Dev, Support, Stage and Production were migrated to x64 2008)
I had to change this just to x64. I cleaned the solution, I set to "false" all System.anything references with "copy local" set to true (because if not the application doesn't work on my Dev Environment even)
But when I publish the site to get all the needed files for copy them into the Dev Env, I still get a x86 compilation and then, inside of the bin folder, a folder called x64, and inside of it, a folder called "Debug" with a lot of my own dlls, so I've a folder with that strange name (Debug) with a second copy of the files that I've on the bin folder.
I touch a lot of things trying to fix this situation, read a lot on google (that retrieves a lot of nothing-to-do-here webs and forums) but I can't get what I need to configure to do a clean publish of my asp.net site and their libraries only on x64 without a second copy of nothing and right configured.
So my question is... someone can give me a detailed answer, link, tutorial or something like to publish in a rule way my site, clean and without all this things?
Thanks and kind regards.
It create a folder in the x64 folder for every publication profile, but some are empty and Debug is always fill.
Finally I found the problem. The folder it was an excluded folder from the solution. These files can be showed from the image button on the toolbar of the Solution Explorer window: "Show all files".
Publication also publish exclude folders and files. You must delete them in order to not be published with the other files.