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Can't get hgignore to work

I'm trying to make mercurial ignore the "1.txt" file in win7, mercurial 2.3

Why is 1.txt still shown with the "hg status" command here?

\hgtest> dir

Directory: \hgtest

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
d----        2012-08-27     11:01            .hg
-a---        2012-08-27     11:03         44 .hgignore
-a---        2012-08-27     11:02          6 1.txt

\hgtest> type .hgignore
syntax: glob
\hgtest> hg status
? .hgignore
? 1.txt


  • I suspect it is because your .hgignore is in utf-16 encoding. Thereof the size 44 for a 22 character text.

    hg probably don't understand the .hgignore file.

    Try opening the file and save it in plain ANSI encoding.