I want to simplify expression if(x == 1 || x == 2)
I wish I could write if(x == 1 or 2)
but there is no syntax for that.
Other possibility is to use Contains or Any method like: if([1,2].Contains(x))
but this involves unnecessary call.
Can I create some operator which allows me to do this ?
In Nemerle language I can write macro:
macro @|||(left, right)
match (left)
| <[ $x == $y ]> => <[ $x == $y || $x == $right ]>
| _ => Message.Error("Error"); <[ ]>
And then usage:
if (x == 1 ||| 2) { .. }
Can I create operator in such way in F# ?
You could use |>
to accomplish this, borrowing from a common use of one of the haskell monoid instances.
let appendResults f g = (fun x -> f(x) || g(x))
let f x = x=1
let g x = x=2
let inline (>>||) x y = (appendResults f g) x y
let x = 1
if(x |> (1 >>|| 2)) then printfn "true" else printfn "false"
For arbitrary numbers of arguments, just mimic the relevant mconcat
method from haskell for the same effect, perhaps like this:
let rec concatResults = function
| [] -> (fun x -> false)
| (x:xs) -> appendResults x (concatResults xs)
Honestly though, you may as well just use Contains. If there is any special overhead doing that I doubt it really matters.