I'm currently developing an application with which a schedule can be retrieved and viewed. To display the schedule I used the TimeRulerView (and BlocksLayout and BlockView) java source files from the Google IO 2011 app because I liked the look and feel. Source code can be found here: https://github.com/underhilllabs/iosched2011 . (Google replaced there one with the code of IO2012).
Since my Galaxy Nexus updated tot Jelly Bean (4.1.1) yesterday the TimeRulerView (and/or one of the others) doesn't get shown anymore.
The weird thing is that they are actually still there, but there not visible. I can see a scrollbar of the length the timeruler normally has. Also when I normally click on an block in the view I get a little pop-up, and this still happens when not seeing the timeruler or a block.
I tested the original IO2011 app on my JB GN but nothing is visible there either, so the problem lies within (one of) the view(s) or the way JellyBean is rendering the view(s) (project butter maybe?).
See here ( https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7102660/TimeRulerView_JellyBean_problem.zip ) for screenshots on ICS (app working), JB (app not working) and the GoogleIO2011 app.
Thanks to Chris answer I played around with hardware acceleration settings. I use the iosched2011 code as well and only had to remove the line android:layerType="software"
from my BlocksLayout View inside the block_content.xml file .