I'm facing this problem and can't solve it : Here is the code :
getSymbols('^STOXX50E', src='yahoo')
myReturnsSign = function(x) sign(Delt(Cl(x),type="log"))[-1]
mySMA =function(x,n) SMA(Cl(x),n)[-1]
myEMA = function(x,n,ratio) EMA(Cl(x),n,ratio)[-1]
model1<-specifyModel(myReturnsSign(equity.index) ~ myEMA(equity.index,20,0.8) + mySMA (equity.index,5))
Here is the error message :
Error in xts(model.frame(model@model.spec, data = env, na.action = NULL), :
NROW(x) must match length(order.by)
However :
> dim(myEMA(equity.index,20,0.8))
[1] 2632 1
> dim(mySMA(equity.index,5))
[1] 2632 1
> dim(myReturnsSign(equity.index))
[1] 2632 1
FWIW, the specifyModel
code hasn't been worked on in over 4 years, and I don't think that is because it is stable.
Without looking too closely, it looks like your problem can be solved by removing those [-1]
subsets from your functions
myReturnsSign = function(x) sign(Delt(Cl(x),type="log"))
mySMA =function(x,n) SMA(Cl(x),n)
myEMA = function(x,n,ratio) EMA(Cl(x),n,ratio)
model1<-specifyModel(myReturnsSign(equity.index) ~ myEMA(equity.index,20,0.8) + mySMA(equity.index,5))