I'm working on a phonegap-app for Android/iOS.
If I understand correctly, if someone opens up a phonegap-app package, he can just copy the html/js/css into a phonegap-app of their own. That is something I would like to make more difficult.
My app works without the need of an active internet connection, and I would like to keep it that way.
The best solution I can think of is to store (parts of) the (40) HTML-files in native Java/ObjectiveC variables and retrieve them using javascript and a custom Phonegap plugin. This way, the HTML will get encrypted too when creating the app.
Is this a viable solution or a waste of time?
If something is valuable enough to be worth protecting people's access too (e.g. authentication details), then putting it into some compiled code that they have is not secure enough.
Otherwise, just what do you have in the HTML, Javascript and CSS that is so valuable? It can't be the code itself, because if they can't copy it they can just look at it, go "oh, that's a good idea" and copy the idea without looking at the code. The good ideas are more valuable than the lines of code, and you can't hide them, this way. In this case, you've made life harder for you to a greater extent than you've made it harder for them.