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Solaris make error - ld: fatal: library -luutil: not found

Hi guys hoping some of you solaris wizards might be able to point me in the right direction...

Background: I'm compiling a program that makes use of some of the zfs CLI code. (found here:

Problem: is present in /usr/lib but if I try to compile like so...

$ gcc -lzfs -L/usr/lib -luutil -lnvpair

ld: fatal: library -luutil: not found

Can anyone suggest a fix? Or a reason that the lib is not being found?

Thanks guys!


  • You need to link to a library. As explained in a post pointed to by Ben van Gompel and in this post:
    You'd need to do:
    ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
    This is because ld looks only for names that end in .so, not in number. This is a simple mechanism to have many versions of one library (version being designated by the number at the end) that can be used by compilation process.