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Pass information from CustomDialog to main Activity

I'm writting an app which manages alarms and events as in a calendar app. I ran into a problem when I tried to get all the info about the event that was reported in a custom dialog. I tried many things. The last one thing to that I saw on internet uses intents. However latheough the Dialog can send the info, I dont know how to receive it. I try something with broadcast recevier but it didn't work...

-->Here is the code for the dialog:

public class AddingEventMenu extends Dialog implements OnClickListener {

Event event = new Event();
private Button b;
Context context;

public AddingEventMenu(Context context) {
    this.context = context;
    this.setTitle("Adding Event");

    this.b = (Button) findViewById(;


public void onClick(View v) {
    String color;
    DatePicker DP = (DatePicker) findViewById(;
    TimePicker TP = (TimePicker) findViewById(;
    EditText ET = (EditText) findViewById(;
    Spinner SC = (Spinner) findViewById(;
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.setAction("New Event");

    color = SC.getSelectedItem().toString();

    if (color == "Red") event.eventColor = Color.RED;
    if (color == "Green") event.eventColor = Color.GREEN;
    if (color == "Blue") event.eventColor = Color.BLUE;
    if (color == "Magenta") event.eventColor = Color.MAGENTA;

    intent.putExtra("Text", ET.getText().toString());
    intent.putExtra("Day", DP.getDayOfMonth());
    intent.putExtra("Month", DP.getMonth());
    intent.putExtra("Year",  DP.getYear());
    intent.putExtra("Hour",  TP.getCurrentHour() * 100 + TP.getCurrentMinute());
    intent.putExtra("Color", color);


    Log.d("State", "Es un primer paso");



-->Here the main menu code:

public class Timetable extends Activity {
public static List<Event> eventList;
EventManager eventManager;
LinearLayout eventListLayout;
ImageView addButton;
EventDatabaseManager db;
BroadcastReceiver BR;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    BR = new BroadcastReceiver() {

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            if (intent.getAction() == "New event"){
                Bundle extras = new Bundle();
                Event event = new Event();
                extras = intent.getExtras();
                event.eventText = extras.getString("Text");
                event.eventDay = extras.getInt("Day");
                event.eventMonth = extras.getInt("Month");
                event.eventYear = extras.getInt("Year");
                event.eventHour = extras.getInt("Hour");
                event.eventColor = extras.getInt("Color");

                Log.d("State", "Esta funcionando");


    db = new EventDatabaseManager(this);

    eventListLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;

    eventManager = new EventManager(this);
    eventList = eventManager.getEvents();


public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
    return true;

public void onAddButton(View button) {
    AddingEventMenu aEM = new AddingEventMenu(this);;


public void saveNewEvent(Event event) {


In the main Activity I defined the broadcastreceiver, but I think that it's wrong, because it doesn't anything there.

I hope someone can help me. Thanks for your time.


  • In order to be future compatible you should consider using DialogFragment instead of Dialog.

    When using the DialogFragment you can add a custom listener to the DialogFragment class like this one:

    public interface EventAddedListener {
      public void onEventAdded(Event event);

    and then add it to your DialogFragment.

    After an event has been chosen you call listener.onEventAdded(event); and handle the result within your Activity.

    But you can also work with the more complicated IntentFilter solution provided by sinisha, even when using a DialogFragment.