I had recently asked a question somewhat related to this one, but it was horridly worded and I had no clue what I was doing. I got some time to play around with code and hope this question makes more sense. Nevertheless something is still going on wrong. I have a class B. A pointer (*p) to that class. I just want to make a copy of this pointer ( say called q). Delete p but still have q a valid pointer pointer to that same information that p was pointings too. Then delete q. When I try to set them equal to each other I get issues
class B
B(); ~B();
B(const B &Overloading);
B& B::operator=(const B &Overloading);
vector<*A> stores_a; //class A contains ints, doubles etc. I filled this with
//pointers to class A
void Mr_Clean();
B::B() {}
B::B(const B &Overloading)
for(size_t i=0; i<stores_a.size(); i++)
stores_A[i]=new A(*Overloading.stores_a[i]);
B::B& B::operator=(const B &Overloading)
{ Mr_Clean();
for(size_t i=0; i<stores_a.size(); i++)
stores_A[i]=new A(*Overloading.stores_a[i]);
return *this
void B::Mr_Clean()
for(size_t i=0; i<stores_A.size(); i++)
delete stores_A[i];
int main()
B *p=new B;
B *q=new B;
// fill some stuff. this is just random stuff I am making up
*q=*p; //compiles then Kaboom at this line
delete p;
delete q;
return 0;
I guess I have some conceptual gap still on the assignment operator. I have read many tutorials and I feel like I am doing what they say...
Also another question, say in this example I also had a member int x in B. Since I called the copy constructor and overloaded the assignment operator do I have to explicitly call x=Overloading.x? I mean technically I am overriding the default copy constructor no? However x is just a regular plain old int.
I see two issues here:
. But this doesn't cause any errors at the moment becausevector
to loop through items of source vector
. And this can cause runtime error.You could try using this code to copy vectors:
for(size_t i=0; i<Overloading.stores_a.size(); ++i)
stores_a[i]=new A(*Overloading.stores_a[i]);
or this one (though the one above should be faster for general case):
for(size_t i=0; i<Overloading.stores_a.size(); ++i)
stores_a.push_back(new A(*Overloading.stores_a[i]));