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keytool error when creating BKS keystore: providerpath is not a legal command

I am trying to create a "bks" keystore using keytool (using terminal app on Mac OS X). I am following the instructions in:
keytool error: BKS not found

This is my usage:

keytool -genkeypair -v -alias androiddebugkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -keypass android -keystore /Users/djames/dropbox/bc146keystore/debug.keystore -storepass android -storetype BKS -providerclass org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider –providerpath /Users/djames/dropbox/bc146keystore/bcprov-jdk16-146.jar -dname "CN=Android Debug, OU=Android, O=Android, L=Whitefish, S=MT, C=US"

I am getting the following error:

keytool error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Usage error, ?providerpath is not a legal command
java.lang.RuntimeException: Usage error, ?providerpath is not a legal command

I have seen the -provider path option recommended in countless web posts (including the one above) and when I run keytool -help it confirms the syntax is legal:

keytool usage:  ...   
-genkeypair  [-v] [-protected]
         [-alias <alias>]
         [-keyalg <keyalg>] [-keysize <keysize>]
         [-sigalg <sigalg>] [-dname <dname>]
         [-validity <valDays>] [-keypass <keypass>]
         [-keystore <keystore>] [-storepass <storepass>]
         [-storetype <storetype>] [-providername <name>]
         [-providerclass <provider_class_name> [-providerarg <arg>]] ...
         [-providerpath <pathlist>]

I also tried the following alternative (per

  1. deleting the -providerpath option of the keytool command,
  2. placing the bcprov-jdk16-146.jar inside the {$JAVA_HOME/lib/ext} folder
  3. adding security.provider.3=org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider to the file.

But it still failed.

Any ideas on what I can do differently to succeed in creating a BKS keystore?


  • I was never able to succeed with Keytool. This is what I did to solve the problem instead: I made a copy of the default debug.keytool (a JKS type keystore) that was created by Eclipse (Indigo, SR2) automatically the first time an android program is run in Eclipse, and used Portecle ( to convert this to a BKS type keystore. Now this is the tricky part: If I now used the BKS version of debug.keytool in place of the original, I got an "Android packaging error" in Eclipse “ Invalid keystore format” whenever I would try to run the android program. However, if I left the original JKS version of debug.keytool in the default directory where Eclipse created it, then I could use the BKS version of the debug.keytool in the Android program's /resources/raw subfolder and have Android open it and recognize it. Jim