I'm using pygtk with PIL. I've already figured out a way to convert PIL Image
s to gtk.gdk.Pixbuf
s. What I do to display the pixbuf is I create a gtk.gdk.Image
, and then use img.set_from_pixbuf
. I now want to draw a few lines onto this image. Apparently I need a Drawable
to do that. I've started looking through the docs but already I have 8-10 windows open and it is not being straightforward at all.
So - what magic do I need to type to get a Drawable representing my picture, draw some things on to it, and then turn it into a gdk.Image
so I can display it on my app?
I was doing something similar (drawing to a gdk.Drawable), and I found that set_foreground doesn't work. To actually draw using the color I wanted, I used the following:
# Red!
gc.set_rgb_fg_color(gtk.gdk.Color(0xff, 0x0, 0x0))