Trying to engineer the following in Matlab:
** loop start;
y(:,i) = function of x;
z(:,i) = function of x;
plot(x,y(:,i)) on figure 1, hold all;
plot(x,z(:,i)) on figure 2, hold all;
** loop end;
add title, legend, etc for figure 1 (NB: we have multiple lines);
add title, legend, ets for figure 2 (NB: same, have multiple lines for the legend);`
Tried multiple combinations without much luck. Managed to get 2 figures but only the 2-nd displays multiple lines, not the first. And can't figure how to add legends to these 2 correctly.
Save a handle to each figure, and to each axis object:
fh1 = figure;
hold all;
ah1 = gca;
fh2 = figure;
hold all;
ah2 = gca;
for i=1:N
y(:,i) = function of x;
z(:,i) = function of x;
plot(ah1, x, y(:,i)); %# tell it which axis to use (ah1)
plot(ah2, x, z(:,i)); %# (ah2)
legend(ah1, ...) %# legend options here
legend(ah2, ...) %# and the other legend
%# note: you can set figure properties for each using fh1, fh2 handles.