Background question: boost.proto + detect invalid terminal before building the expression tree.
Hi, what i'm trying to achieve is
So, for 1. I ended up with this code
// A transform that converts all vectors nodes in a tree to iterator nodes
struct vector_begin : proto::transform <vector_begin>
template<typename Expr, typename Unused1, typename Unused2>
struct impl : boost::proto::transform_impl<Expr, Unused1, Unused2>
// must strip away the reference qualifier (&)
typedef typename proto::result_of::value<
typename boost::remove_reference<Expr>::type
>::type vector_type;
typedef typename proto::result_of::as_expr
<typename vector_type::const_iterator>::type result_type;
result_type operator ()(
typename impl::expr_param var
, typename impl::state_param
, typename impl::data_param) const
typename vector_type::const_iterator iter(proto::value(var).begin());
return proto::as_expr(iter); // store iterator by value
struct vector_grammar_begin
: proto::or_ <
proto::when <vector_terminal, vector_begin>
// scalars want to be stored by value (proto stores them by const &), if not the code does not compile...
, proto::when <scalar_terminal, boost::proto::_make_terminal(boost::proto::_byval(boost::proto::_value))>
// descend the tree converting vectors to begin() iterators
, proto::when <proto::nary_expr<_, proto::vararg<vector_grammar_begin> > >
The above succeeds to create a tree where all vectors are replaced by pointers. So far, so good. Now, try to increment iterators. I realized that is would be better to advance iterators, so with just one transform, i could get most of the behavior of a random access iterator (dereference is the other missing piece). For 2., the required transform should be
// A transform that advances all iterators in a tree
struct iter_advance : proto::transform <iter_advance>
template<typename Expr, typename Index, typename Dummy>
struct impl : boost::proto::transform_impl<Expr, Index, Dummy>
typedef void result_type;
result_type operator ()(
typename impl::expr_param var
, typename impl::state_param index // i'm using state to pass a data :(
, typename impl::data_param) const
proto::value(var)+=index; // No good... compile error here :(
// Ok, this is brittle, what if I decide the change vector<D,T>'s iterator type ?
struct iter_terminal
: proto::and_<
, proto::if_<boost::is_pointer<proto::_value>()>
struct vector_grammar_advance
: proto::or_ <
proto::when <iter_terminal, iter_advance>
, proto::terminal<_>
, proto::when <proto::nary_expr<_, proto::vararg<vector_grammar_advance> > >
Now, in the main function
template <class Expr>
void check_advance (Expr const &e)
proto::display_expr (e);
typedef typename boost::result_of<vector_grammar_begin(Expr)>::type iterator_type;
iterator_type iter = vector_grammar_begin()(e);
proto::display_expr (iter);
vector_grammar_advance ()(iter,1);
proto::display_expr (iter);
int main (int, char**)
vec<3, double> a(1), b(2), c(3);
return 0;
I get the following error message (filtered out the junk):
array.cpp:361:13: error: assignment of read-only location
boost::proto::argsns_::term<const double*>, 0l> >((* & var))'
What bothers me is the '((* & var))' part... cannot understand what to do to fix this. Thanks in advance, best regards
PS Unrelated thing: after playing a little with transforms, the general pattern i'm using is:
Do you think this is reasonable? I mean, it is a lot of code to perform just an elementary op to a single kind of node. With contexts, it is possible to define several ops at once, discriminating on the node type. It is possible to do this with transforms also ? What is the general pattern to be used?
Your intuition is correct; you should be able to mutate the tree in-place. There seems to be some const weirdness with Proto's pass_through
transform that I need to investigate, so the solution is a little non-obvious. First, I define some callables that I will use in the Proto algorithms. I prefer callables to primitive transforms because they are simpler to grok, more reusable, and result in easier-to-read Proto algorithms.
struct begin
: proto::callable
template<typename Sig>
struct result;
template<typename This, typename Rng>
struct result<This(Rng)>
: boost::range_iterator<Rng>
template<typename This, typename Rng>
struct result<This(Rng &)>
: boost::range_iterator<Rng>
template<typename Rng>
typename boost::range_iterator<Rng>::type
operator()(Rng &rng) const
return boost::begin(rng);
template<typename Rng>
typename boost::range_iterator<Rng const>::type
operator()(Rng const &rng) const
return boost::begin(rng);
struct advance
: proto::callable
typedef void result_type;
template<typename Iter>
void operator()(Iter &it, unsigned d) const
it += d;
Now, I solve your brittleness problem with a simple iterator adaptor:
template<typename Iter>
struct vector_iterator
: boost::iterator_adaptor<vector_iterator<Iter>, Iter>
: boost::iterator_adaptor<vector_iterator<Iter>, Iter>()
explicit vector_iterator(Iter iter)
: boost::iterator_adaptor<vector_iterator<Iter>, Iter>(iter)
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &sout, vector_iterator it)
return sout << "vector_iterator(value: " << *it << " )";
Here's the algorithm to turn a tree containing vectors into a tree containing vector iterators.
// Turn all vector terminals into vector iterator terminals
struct vector_begin_algo
: proto::or_<
proto::terminal<std::vector<_, _> >
, proto::_make_terminal(
, proto::when<
, proto::_make_terminal(proto::_byval(proto::_value))
, proto::otherwise<
proto::_byval(proto::nary_expr<_, proto::vararg<vector_begin_algo> >)
The last proto::_byval
shouldn't be needed. The pass_through
transform used by proto::nary_expr
shouldn't be creating const temporary nodes. Sorry about that.
And here is the algorithm to advance all the iterators in-place. When you can fully grok this, you will truly be a Proto master.
// Mutate in-place by advancing all vector iterators the amount
// in the state parameter
struct vector_advance_algo
: proto::or_<
proto::terminal<vector_iterator<_> >
, advance(proto::_value, proto::_state)
, proto::when<
, proto::_void
, proto::otherwise<
, proto::_state
, proto::and_<
, proto::_state
, proto::_void
The trick to understanding the above is knowing:
does nothing and returns void
, when used as a transform like this, executes all the specified transforms and returns the result of the last.After all that, you can now do what you had set out to do: Turn a tree containing vectors into a tree containing iterators, and then advance all the iterators in-place:
proto::literal<std::vector<int> > vec1;
, boost::make_counting_iterator(16)
auto beg = vector_begin_algo()(2 * vec1 + vec1);
vector_advance_algo()(beg, 1u);
vector_advance_algo()(beg, 1u);
I think your code would have worked had you not run into the const weirdness. Also, I think you might have an easier time of it if you write ordinary callables instead of primitive transforms.
Hope this helps.