I have that following subroutine, and have appx 20 threads calling it with different URLs (this sub belongs to a package, each thread calls a different instance of that package):
sub get_urls {
my ($self,$url,$depth) = @_;
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my @data;
my %visited;
my $hostname = URI->new($url)->host();
my $tr_cb;
my ($b,$e) = (0,0);
return unless($depth);
# This code-ref is recursive!
$tr_cb = sub {
my $sitem = shift;
my $depth = shift;
return if (0 == $depth--);
foreach my $site (@$sitem) {
if (exists($visited{$site})) {
$visited{$site} = 1;
AnyEvent::HTTP::http_get ($site, timeout => 1, sub {
my ($body, $hdr) = @_;
if ($hdr->{Status} =~ m/^2/) {
my $extor = HTML::SimpleLinkExtor->new();
my @links;
print "E = $e | B = $b\n";
#print "[REC_DEPTH:$depth]Working on $site\n";
@links = map { URI->new_abs($_,$site)->as_string }
grep { length > 2 } $extor->links();
$tr_cb->([map { $_->[2] }
grep { $_->[0] eq $_->[1] }
map { [$hostname,URI->new($_)->host(),$_] } @links],$depth);
print "Got total of " . @data . " links\n";
the ($b,$e)
variables are there for testing only.
the issue is, after some time, it seems like the number of 'begins' does not match the amount of 'ends' hence it never gets pass $cv->recv
I'm kinda new to AnyEvent and Event-Programming in general, cant seem to fine my issue.
The whole recursive anonymous sub seems a little bit too clever for its own good. Create a function in your class which gets the links from the passed in url (and depth) and adds them to an array on your object. At the same time create a timer (after => 0) which shifts elements off your array, restarting itself if there are still elements, otherwise sending end to the condvar. Replace an array with a Thread::Queue object if needed.
You should also only be calling ->recv in your application code, not your library, or using a callback on your condvar instead of calling recv (this would enable you to use multiple condvars and send to them without relying on threads)