I have a 4x4 cell array C
, which
C= {
[1] [3] [6] [ ];
[2] [ ] [ ] [8];
[ ] [4] [ ] [9];
[ ] [5] [7] [ ]}
I want to generate a new cell array D which give me
D = {[1;2], [3], [4;5],[6],[7],[8;9]}
basically I want to 1. combine the adjacent non empty cell in each column vertically and 2. output the new cell array D
contains the result.
You can use this. I've used bwlabel from the imaging toolkit:
C= { ...
[1] [3] [6] [ ]; ...
[2] [ ] [ ] [8]; ...
[ ] [4] [ ] [9]; ...
[ ] [5] [7] [ ]};
lenf = @(X)~isempty(X);
lens = cellfun(lenf, C);
is now a logical array indicating if any slot in C is empty or not. Now we can construct D
by treating each column in lens
as a 1 x whatever binary image, and seek regions using bwlabel()
. Finally we put the regions into D.
sum = 0;
for k = 1:size(lens,2)
[L,num] = bwlabel(lens(:,k), 4);
for idx = 1:num
D{idx+sum} = cat(1, C{L==idx, k});
sum = sum + num;