I'm trying to set up a dynamic data entities web site, exactly following the MS walkthrough, but I can't register my model. My web site is called 'DynExtensions', and the model gets generated in the namespace 'DynExtensions.App_Code', but this namespace is not visible in the rest of the project, i.e. I get a compile error if I add a 'using' with that namespace. What is the walkthrough doing wrong?
The MS walkthrough (which I have since added a link to) says to add a Dynamic Data Entities Web Site project, but my templates only allow a Dynamic Data Entities Web Application project. Since there were no other options, I overlooked this critical difference. I over came that particular obstacle by simply adding the model to the root of the application, not the out of place 'App_Code' folder. From then I took only minutes to have the poc site working. It looks very promising.
Aside: I wish they would stick to the web site model introduced as a development for ASP.NET 2.0, or publicly revert to the web application model, and not sneak it in wherever they can.