The following code, setting the -v parameter directly is working
$sqlcmd = @(Resolve-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft SQL Server\*\Tools\binn\SQLCMD.EXE")[0]
$path1 = 'D:\somescript.sql'
& $sqlcmd -b -S NB-BK\SQLEXPRESS -d BK_Prod -U sa -P mypassword -l 180 -i $path1 -v Mandant=1 SAPMandant="009" SAPEinrichtung="0001"
But I need a way to set these values from a PowerShell variable.
I tried:
$sqlcmd = @(Resolve-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft SQL Server\*\Tools\binn\SQLCMD.EXE")[0]
$path1 = 'D:\somescript.sql'
$sqlcmdparameters = 'Mandant=1 SAPMandant="009" SAPEinrichtung="0001" '
& $sqlcmd -b -S NB-BK\SQLEXPRESS -d BK_Prod -U sa -P mypassword -l 180 -i $path1 -v $sqlcmdparameters
I found this on SO, but it didn't help me.
Try using start-process. That's what I do for Powershell command-line parsing issues. First try invoke operator (&) and if that doesn't work wrap it in a start-process call.
$tempFile = [io.path]::GetTempFileName()
$exitCode = (start-process -FilePath $sqlcmd -ArgumentList @"
-b -S NB-BK\SQLEXPRESS -d BK_Prod -U sa -P mypassword -l 180 -i $path1 -v $sqlcmdparameters
"@ -Wait -RedirectStandardOutput $tempFile -NoNewWindow -Passthru).ExitCode
When using start-process typically you'll need to capture exitcode and also redirect output to temp file in get back the results. I'll then have some code to check $exitcode and cleanup temp file in try/catch/finally block