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What is the name of this diagram?

I've had difficulties in finding a tool to create a similar diagram, a navigation model, as here the following for instance, where

aloitussivu = homepage
yritysinfo = about
yleiskuva = general
tunnussivu = user
rekisteröintisivu = register

I use VP-UML. However, I have not managed to create such a diagram by it.

The diagram looks like an activity diagram, but I have not managed to create a similar one by the tools in VP-UML.

What is the name of the following diagram such that I can create one?


  • This is a navigation model (also known as a hypertext model). This is not one of the UML standard diagrams but all design methods for web applications (e.g. WebML) support this diagram (and in fact, it is the most important for them).

    (this does not mean that it cannot be draw in UML but I think you would find useful to take a loot at navigation models first)